Just A Little Soldier

Just A Little Soldier

I am just a little soldier,
Smart, straight, and cute,
With my little soldier gun
Looking for a man to shoot.

In my little soldier suit
I stand around and wait
Looking to obey my orders,
Killing without hate.

Soldiering’s a parody
Of every lover’s life –
What they bring into the world
I hunt down with my knife.

I track the man unto his lair,
Then, patiently and still,
I wait for him to make his move,
And kill.

But I am not a happy soldier,
Must be something wrong with me
For every kill notched in my heart
Brings no glee.

I am not a happy soldier
Marching along
I’m solitary in my Company
And do not sing the song.

The enemy is in the farm,
We surround it with our guns,
Wait to shoot him down
As he runs.

And as he runs he runs at me,
I have him sighted, dead,
Cold and lifeless with one tug –
I fire above his head.

I am not a happy soldier,
I’m not content with what I’m told.
How will I ever love
If my heart is cankered, sour, cold.

I am not a happy soldier,
I want to run away
But I know that if I do
I become the prey.

(Written by David McLintock)


