If Words Came So

You think just I just sit down,
Squeeze knees to hold the pad,
Pinch nose-bridge, blink, frown,
Then begin – begad –

From beginning to end, through in one go,
No topsy-turvy, no loitering,
Littering, lootering at all, just blow
A prayer, and sing

What’s ukeleled in return,
The bard taking down the bird’s notes
Verbatim – though he may spurn,
In such case – quotes.

If that were true the way, then
I’d be a plagiarist of God,
Gladly, goodly, giddily, Amen!
Bread for the bod

A necessity, if so came words
I’d take them for my board, and –
Maybe not let on the wierd’s
You when you shrugged you don’t understand.


